A network to facilitate historical social science

Author: chsadmin

[March 15 2021] Book Discussion: The Historical Sociology of Capitalism

Pierre Francois writes to announce a discussion of Sociologie historique du capitalisme:

[…]a second English-speaking online event about about our Sociologie historique du capitalisme book is scheduled for March 15: https://capitalism.eui.eu/events/ — in case you want to ask us difficult questions! […]

The March one will become a podcast afterwards; and in case are curious to learn what our book is about, but not available for online events, here are a few webpages set up by our colleagues in Cambridge following the previous one (https://www.histecon.magd.cam.ac.uk/sociologie/index.html)

Is Donald Trump Fascist?

In The Nation, Mabel Berezin asks how Donald Trump’s behavior compares with historical examples of fascism. She suggests:

Trump is a classic authoritarian personality with a fascist rhetorical style. That alone should ring alarm bells. Yet the label “fascist” can sometimes hide as much as it reveals about the illiberal tendencies in contemporary American politics. Trump’s presidency exposed the fissures embedded in our democracy, and concentrating only on his fascistic actions distracts from the unstable political landscape that led to his rise in the first place.